Representative Matters

Arbitrator Work | A Selection of Arbitrator Appointments

  • Presiding arbitrator in a multi-million dollar HKIAC arbitration with a seat in Hong Kong arising out of a set of oil logging agreements

  • Co-arbitrator in a multi-million dollar SCC arbitration with a seat in Stockholm arising out of a set of licensing agreements for manufacturing and distribution of beverages, governed by Danish law

  • Co-arbitrator in an high-stake ICC dispute arising out of a supply transaction between Eastern European and Germany entities with respect to a sea port

  • Presiding arbitrator in a dispute between a Chinese and a Central Asian entity arising out of a freight forwarding contract, with a seat in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, administered by the International Commercial Court at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan

  • Re-appointment: sole arbitrator in a construction dispute arising out of a residential premises construction project in Mongolia, conducted under the arbitration rules of the Mongolian International Arbitration Centre

  • Sole arbitrator in a construction dispute between a Russian sub-contractor and an Italian contractor, seated in Moscow and conducted under the Arbitration Rules of the Russian Arbitration Centre at the Russian Institute of Modern Arbitration 

  • Sole arbitrator in an ICC dispute arising out of a set of supply arrangements between a South Korean manufacturer and a Brazilian supplier, under Hong Kong law with a legal seat in Hong Kong

  • Sole arbitrator in a construction dispute under the Mongolian Arbitration Centre Rules arising out of a construction project in Ulaan Batar, under Mongolian law with a legal seat in Ulaan Batar

  • Sole arbitrator in an ad hoc arbitration arising out of a set of supply arrangements between a French party and a Malaysian party, with a seat in Kuala Lumpur

  • Co-arbitrator in a CIETAC dispute arising out of a set of manufacturing-related arrangements between a Russian party and a Belorussian party, under PRC law with a legal seat in Beijing

  • Sole arbitrator in a Russian Arbitration Centre dispute arising under a set of supply arrangements between two Russian parties, under Russian law with a legal seat in Moscow

Counsel and Registrar Work | Representative Matters

  • Advising a group of companies (Singapore, Hong Kong, and PRC) on Singapore-seated complex multi-party arbitration under the SIAC rules with respect to manufacturing and distribution of certain retail goods in the PRC

  • Advising a Chinese manufacturer on a multi-million USD distribution dispute under SIAC Rules with a seat in Singapore

  • Advising an Eastern European shipbuilder on a contentious situation arising out of a blocked vessel in the PRC

  • Advising an Italian contractor in a large-scale infrastructure dispute in South Asia

  • Representing a major international agricultural business in a large-scale funds recovery effort in Hong Kong

  • Advising an Eastern European client on regulatory matters relating to trading gold in Hong Kong

  • Representing a party in a contentious situation involving blocked credit limits with respect to an agricultural trade transaction

  • Acting for a buyer in a potentially contentious acquisition of a substantial stock in a Hong Kong listed company

  • Advising an Eastern European bank on acquisition of a stake in a Hong Kong listed company

  • Advising Russian shareholders of a Hong Kong incorporated holding company on a shareholders dispute in Hong Kong with accompanying winding-up proceedings

  • Advising a Paraguayan entity in recovering amounts defrauded from the company in a large scale email scam

  • Advising a Chinese shareholder in a shareholders dispute relating to a JV in Hong Kong with main assets in the mainland China

  • Advising a Chinese shareholder in a shareholders dispute relating to an acquisition of a technology business in Europe

  • Representing a Chinese State-owned enterprise in investor-State negotiations of a dispute arising out of a large-scale nationalisation of an infrastructure investment project in Africa

  • Representing a European investor against a sovereign State in set aside proceedings before Hong Kong courts with respect to a Hong Kong-seated treaty arbitration

  • Representing a Russian individual in a dispute over bitminers and other cryptocurrency equipment in Hong Kong

  • Representing Armenia against a US national in an ICSID dispute under the US-Armenia BIT arising out of Armenia’s alleged breach of the BIT’s full protection and security standard

  • Representing AFK Sistema an ICSID arbitration against Turkmenistan arising out of Turkmenistan cancellation of mobile telecommunication licences

  • Representing Ukraine in ICSID Case ARB/06/18 Joseph Charles Lemire v Ukraine.

  • Representing Ukraine in ICSID Case ARB/09/11 Global Trading Resources Corp. and Globex International, Inc. v Ukraine

  • Representing a Ukrainian state agency in a dispute under the PCA Environmental Rules over the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol in Ukraine

  • Acting as a PCA legal counsel in a set of ECT arbitrations against the Russian Federation over the expropriation of the Yukos Oil Company

  • Advising a major Russian bank on strategic issues of a large-scale transnational debt recovery effort

  • Representing a Japanese vehicle manufacturing company in a Brussels based ICC arbitration in a dispute arising out of a FIDIC construction contract

  • Representing a French construction company in a Stockholm based ICC arbitration in a dispute over a FIDIC construction contract

  • Representing a French Michelin star restaurant group in an IP dispute against a Hong Kong entity over multiple breaches of a licensing agreement

Expert Witness Work

  • Appeared as a Russian law expert witness in set aside proceedings in the Federal Courts of Australia